Network installation guide

This guide will cover the networking requirements and instructions on integrating QuickLink StudioEdge into your workflow.

NOTE: It is recommended that the StudioEdge hardware is controlled from another system ('Control PC') on the same network. You should not install any additional software onto your StudioEdge server. This will ensure the stability and resiliency of StudioEdge. However, if you do not wish to use a Control PC you are able to run everything from the StudioEdge server using the Zoom/Teams web controls.

Please refer to the following diagram to illustrate the setup of your StudioEdge and Control PC:

The 'Control PC' can be as simple as a laptop. Within the 'Control PC', you should install the video conferencing platforms that you plan to use within StudioEdge, i.e. Zoom, Microsoft Teams & Skype. Each conference platform has different network requirements. You will need to setup your network to allow for your conference room platforms on both the StudioEdge hardware and the Control Room PC.  Here are the network requirements links to each platform:

Once you have installed your video conferencing platforms (Zoom, Teams and/or Skype) onto your 'Control PC' you will be able to make meeting booking. The meetings then need to be inputted into the StudioEdge server. To make this easy, StudioEdge can be controlled from a webpage which can be run on the 'Control PC'.

Both the StudioEdge hardware and the 'Control PC' will need to be able to connect to each other. To do this both the Studio Edge server and control PC will need to be able to reach:

Component IP  IP Failover Address DST Port Protocol
Webpage 443, 5000 tcp
Webpage 443 tcp
Webpage 443 tcp
Websocket 80 tcp
Signalling 443 tcp
Stun See Table. P3 443, 3478, 5349 udp/tcp


If you are unable to open For IP address range see table on Page 3 of the QuickLink Network Information Document *NOTE: For STUN service, only Ports 443, 3478, 5349 need to be opened for IPs.

When you open the StudioEdge web-interface ( on the 'Control PC', bi-directional connections will be made directly to the StudioEdge hardware to generate video previews. We recommended the 'Control PC' is on the same network to simplify network configuration as windows manages the port allocation using the ephemeral range. Alternatively, you can connect between different networks, but the system will need to be able to perform stun hole-punching which is sometimes restricted on highly managed networks. 

If you are unable to setup a 'Control PC', or unable to provide the network, you can open the webpage on the StudioEdge hardware.

If you require more information that is not covered in this guide, please contact the QuickLink Support team.

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