The QuickLink TX Control Panel


The QuickLink TX is controlled by one simple, easy-to-use interface which allows you to manage the input and output settings of each QuickLink TX unit. This Control Panel can be installed on any Windows 10 machine (hardware permitting) and on the same local network to control your QuickLink TX unit.


Always on top  

A useful feature of the QuickLink TX Control Panel is the option to always display the Control panel on top of other open windows. This can be activated or deactivated by clicking the orange padlock icon on the top right of the screen.


Selecting a destination  

Click the Servers button and enter the IP address or the Windows machine name of the QuickLink TX unit that you wish to control. The default setting for this is to control the local machine.


Channel selection  

Click on the left of the Control Panel to select the individual channel in which you wish to manage the settings. The number of channels available to you is dependent on the unit purchased (i.e. QuickLink TX will show 1 channel, QuickLink TX Duo will show 2 channels and a QuickLink TX Quad will show 4 channels.


Starting/stopping channels

You can start/stop channels independently from directly within the QuickLink Control Panel This allows you to free up CPU for better resolution calls. A channel can be started clicking the START button. When a channel is running, click STOP to terminate the channel. An indicator light is visible to next to the channel name and IP address showing the status of the channel.

       mceclip4.png                     mceclip5.png




Channel is stopped


Channel is ready


Channel is in use


For the best experience please make sure that you sign into the APIs using your Microsoft credentials. Click More Features. 

More Features.png

Then click Sign In. 

Sign in.png

Then type in first your username. 


And then your password.


You will then need to restart your channels for this change to take affect. 


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