API v3.0 Reference (DEPRECATED)

**Http support has been deprecated after an external security review highlighted security concerns.



This web service provides Skype TX users the ability to control various features from their own application. The Web service description can be obtained with the URL http://{localip}:8092/TXService?wsdl . To use the API ,users must first sign in with their Skype account on the QuickLink TX control panel. Click the "Advanced" button to get to the sign in page.


List of API methods

string MakeCallBySkypeName(string skypename, string channel)


skypename: the skype id to call

channel: the channel to call the skype contact from. Channel can be 0, 1, 2, or 3

return: true or false on whether an attempt has been made to carry out the command. Check channel status after this to determine if it was successful.

string MakeCall(string contact, string channel)


contact: this is the index of the skype contact. This index can be obtained from call to GetContacts 

channel: the channel to call the skype contact from. Channel can be 0, 1, 2, or 3

return: true or false on whether an attempt has been made to carry out the command. Check channel status after this to determine if it was successful.


string IFBStatus(string channel)


channel: the channel to check IFB status. Channel can be 0, 1, 2, or 3

return: the IFB status of the channel. Can be false for off, or true for on.


string IFB(string channel, string state)


channel: the channel to set IFB state. Channel can be 0, 1, 2, or 3

state: the state of IFB on the channel. Can be false for off, and true for on.

return: returns the success or failure of the command.


string TallyLight(string channel, string state)


channel: the channel to set Tallylight state. Channel can be 0, 1, 2, or 3

state: the state of Tallylight on the channel. Can be false for off, and true for on.

return: returns the success or failure of the command.


string TallyLightStatus(string channel)


channel: the channel to check Tallylight status. Channel can be 0, 1, 2, or 3

return: the Tallylight status of the channel. Can be false for off, or true for on.


string EndCall(string channel)


channel: the channel with the call to be ended. Channel can be 0, 1, 2, or 3

return: true or false on whether an attempt has been made to carry out the command. Check channel status after this to determine if it was successful.


string AcceptCall(string channel)


channel: the channel to accept the call from. Channel can be 0, 1, 2, or 3

return: true or false on whether an attempt has been made to carry out the command. Check channel status after this to determine if it was successful.


string ChannelStatus(string channel)


channel: the channel who's status is required. Channel can be 0, 1, 2, or 3

return: returns the status of the channel. The returned status could be any of the following.

None: channel not running or in a useable state. Try restarting it.
Error: channel not running or is in an unusable state. Try restarting it.
Unclaimed: A channel that hasn’t signed in 
LoggingIn: A channel that is in the process of signing in
Ready: A channel that is ready to make or receive a call
InACall: A channel that is currently in a call
EstablishingCall: A channel that is making a call
HangingUp: A channel that is ending a call
Claimed: A channel that has already signed in with a different account from the one you are using
ClaimedInACall: A channel in a call that is already signed in with a different account
 LoggingOut: A channel that is signing out
 NeedToUpgrade: The software needs to be updated


string RestartChannel(string channel)


channel: the channel to restart. Channel can be 0, 1, 2, or 3

return: true or false on whether an attempt has been made to carry out the command. Check channel status after this to determine if it was successful.


string IncomingCall(void)


return: returns the number of incoming calls detected at the present time followed by the skypename of the callers.


List<Contact> GetContacts(void)


return: List of contact entries contained in the address book of the Skype account holder









string Ping(void)


return: returns the skype username if the web service is present.


string RejectIncomingCall(string skypename)


skypename: the skype id of the incoming call to reject

return: true of false if the execution was successful or failed.


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