Introduce WhatsApp callers

With StudioPro it is possible to introduce WhatsApp callers into your productions. This is achieved by using the Display Capture source. Please note, you will require an additional monitor to achieve this.

You'll first need to be signed in to WhatsApp on WhatsApp Mac/Windows PC. Instructions on downloading and configuring WhatsApp Web and Desktop can be found on the WhatsApp Help Center.

Once you've connected and signed in to WhatsApp, select the person you wish to start a call with (bear in mind, you can only do a WhatsApp video call with a single person, not a group), then click the camera icon in the top-right corner, near their name.

Once the call has been initiated and the caller has answered, a pop-out window will appear with the callers video. Select the maximise icon to make the pop-out window fullscreen.

Once maximised your call will appear fullscreen. If your callers device is in portrait mode, the call will appear as below. It is recommended that the device is rotated to horizontal mode for best results.

The WhatsApp call is ready to be brought in as a Source on StudioPro. Within StudioPro, select the scene you would to add the caller to, then select the plus icon within Sources to add a source.

Select Display Capture source, then click Add Source.

Enter a friendly name for your source (e.g. WhatsApp Caller 1), then click OK


Next, select the Display you would like to use from the dropdown menu.

Then click OK.

You have now added your WhatsApp caller to your StudioPro production. You are now able to resize and reposition as you wish. 

You can use the transform options to apply a crop to remove the guest preview.

Adjust using the Crop Left, Right, Top and Bottom options.

In order to get the guests audio you will need to use the Audio Output Capture source.

You can then select the audio device you are using for the WhatsApp call to add the audio into QuickLink StudioPro.

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