
Projectors will enable you to open additional windows that can be resized and placed on additional monitors. Program, Preview and Multiview projectors can be opened. These are detailed below:


Program Projector


The Program projector enables you to open a windowed projector of the Program that can be placed on an additional monitor. To open the Multiview, click the icon mceclip1.png from the menu.

By right clicking the Program Projector window, you can enter the window into fullscreen, fit window to content & pin the window to always be on top.


Preview Projector


The Preview projector enables you to open a windowed projector of the Preview that can be placed on an additional monitor. To open the Multiview, click the mceclip3.png icon from the menu.

By right clicking the Preview Projector window, you can enter the window into fullscreen, fit window to content & pin the window to always be on top.


Multiview Projector

The Multiview projector is a window that shows all thumbnails of your 24 scenes, while showing the scene that is in preview and program. The scene in program is also highlighted in red, while the scene in preview is highlighted in green. To open the Multiview, click the mceclip1.png icon from the menu.

From the Multiview you can select a scene to move to preview.

By right clicking the Multiview window, you can enter the Multiview into fullscreen, fit window to content & pin the window to always be on top.


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