Navigate to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and sign in.
Once logged in, within Services, navigate to EC2. This can be done by locating through recent/all services, or by simply searching EC2.
Within the EC2 Instances, select your chosen Region from the top-right corner.
Next select Launch Instance.
Give your instance a friendly name.
In the Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image) section, select Windows and then the Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Base.
You will now need to select your instance type, select the c5.2xlarge instance.
Next, create a new Key Pair.
Give you key a name and Create Key Pair.
Save it somewhere safe and sensible.
Set your Network settings.
Configure your storage also. 30GiB should be sufficient.
Once you're happy with your settings, click Launch Instance.
You'll see a progress bar and then a completion message when done.
You should then see the instance in you list of Instances.
Once it has fully started up, you'll want assign an elastic IP Address to your instance. Click Elastic IP's.
If you have one free, select the IP you wish to assign to your instance.
From the Action drop down menu, select Associate Elastic IP address.
Then select you instance from the Instance dropdown menu. Click Associate.
Your Elastic IP will now be assigned. To check this, navigate to your EC2 Instances and ensure an IP is within the Elastic IP column of your instance. Make a note of the Elastic IP displayed here, as this will be the IP you connect using.
Next, select the instance from your list and select connect.
Click the RDP client tab.
Get password.
Upload private key and select the pem key you downloaded previously.
Copy the password, you will need it to connect to the instance.
Download the remote desktop file and save it.
Open the file and click Connect.
Paste in the password you just created and copied.
Your instance will now boot and appear. There will now be a little configuration/setup needed on the instance. On the Windows toolbar, click the Networks icon in the bottom-right corner. When prompted, click Yes to allow your PC to be discoverable by other PCs and devices on the network.
Next, click the audio icon from the Windows toolbar in the bottom-right corner. A prompt will appear to enable Windows Audio Service, click Yes.
You will now need allow apps to access your Camera and Microphone. Open the Windows menu by selecting the Windows icon from the bottom-left corner, search camera then select Camera privacy settings.
Within the Allow apps to access your camera section, change from Off to On.
Select the Microphone privacy settings tag from the left-hand side. Within the Allow apps to access your microphone section, change from Off to On.
Now you are ready to install the QuickLink software. You will need to get a link to download the QuickLink Updater from the QuickLink Support Team. Please email to obtain this.
Once you have the download link, please see the article on Registering and Installing QuickLink Studio on your own hardware which can be found here.
If you would like the system to auto launch and add it to your Cloud Servers section under Management in the portal, follow the steps on this link.