Adding an account

When using the QuickLink StudioManager as an organisation, is it recommended that additional user accounts are created. Using the Add Account option you can create Administrator, Manager, Operator and User accounts, all of which have different privileges and can achieve different levels within the QuickLink StudioManager. Users can also be created for contributing, these users will have a permanent username and password to access the QuickLink StudioManager. Creating a user is recommended if you have a guest that contributes regularly. If you are looking to introduce a contributor that doesn't contribute regularly, please refer to the Inviting a guest via SMS, Email, WhatsApp or URL article.


Adding an account

To create an account, open the user menu by selecting your user in the top left corner, then select Management.



Then click the plus icon to bring up the Add Account window.



Within the Add Account popup, enter a friendly username for your user, enter their full name and their email address.


Next you will need to set the type of account to create; Administrator, Manager, Operator or User. The permission differences and purposes of these are described as follows:

  • User: Is a regular guest that can be put into calls for contributions.
  • Manager: Can add Operators and Users, connect calls and see logs and hardware/cloud allocation.
  • Operator: Operators can invite guests and connect calls. 
  • Administrator: Can see and do everything in main and sub accounts. 

For more info on how these accounts behave and what control they have in sub accounts, see the article here. 


For Privileges, select the appropriate account type.



At this point, you will see slightly different options depending on what type of account you are creating. For an Operator, you can then select whether you want the account to be a part of your Main account or a Sub account or a combination. Click change.



Choose what accounts you want your Operator to have access to, then click Select. 



Make sure you have Enable user box ticked, unless you are creating this to activate at a later date. 

Enable user.png


Lastly, click Create to add the new account.



An email will be sent to the one provided, where the new account holder can change their password and log in for the first time. 

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