Introduce Zoom callers

Coming soon in StudioPro v2.1.0 


StudioPro allows you to easily introduce Zoom callers into your productions. To introduce Zoom callers, the Zoom application is required. 


Configuring Zoom calling

Navigate to the Zoom website and install the Zoom application. Once installed, locate and open the Zoom application from the desktop. You will need to login to an existing Zoom account or register. It is strongly recommended that a new account is registered and dedicated to introducing Zoom callers into StudioPro.

Zoom login.png


Adding Zoom callers into your scenes

To add a Zoom caller you will firstly need to create a new Zoom meeting. To do this, launch Zoom and select New Meeting. Once your meeting has been created, select Participants from the control bar, then select Invite. Copy the invite link, and invite your Zoom contributors.


Depending on your Zoom settings, your guests may need to be approved to join your meeting. To approve select Participants from the control bar, then select Admit next to your waiting guests.

StudioPro will then connect with your Zoom meeting, you will see a message box pop up asking you to approve recording. You will need to click Approve as this is part of how StudioPro captures your guests. Without this, the solution will not work. The zoom client uses the record function to get access to the callers raw video. The raw video is then played out via SDI or NDI. At no point is the zoom video ever saved to a file.

Once your Zoom callers have joined your Zoom meeting, you will need to add these as a source into you StudioPro project. 

First, open the main settings by clicking the COg icon.png icon. 


Select the Advanced tab.


Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Zoom Settings. Zoom settings.png

Copy your invite link and then click Paste Invite Link.

Paste URL.png

Then click Join Meeting. You should see a guest appear in your Zoom call called QL StudioPro. 

Join meeting.png

To configure what return feed you wish to send back to your Zoom call, select the appropriate virtual devices in the Return Feed section. If you need to change what sources are sent back via these virtual cables, click the COg icon.png icon to choose whatever configuration you need. 

Return Feed.png

You can then close those windows. Next, select a scene for your Zoom caller and then click Add Source.

Add source.png

From the list, select Zoom then click Add Source. 

Zoom caller.png

Select Create new, then enter a friendly name for your source, e.g Zoom Caller 1, then click OK.

Friendly name.png

In Channels, select the appropriate Zoom guest. 

Select guest.png

This process would need to be repeated to add all Zoom callers to your production.

Caller 2.png

When adding a single Zoom caller to multiple scenes, it is good practice to add your existing sources rather than creating a new source. To do this, within your scene, select the plus-icon.png icon, locate Zoom then click Add Source. Now select Add Existing and then select the name of the source added previously. This will keep all your previously configured settings and selected source for your caller.

You have now successfully added your Zoom callers into your StudioPro workflow.

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