Introduce Skype TX callers

You can utilise Skype TX to professionally introduce Skype callers into your StudioPro productions. Microsoft Skype TX callers are all made available within the StudioPro interface as NDI sources.


Configuring Skype TX calling

Firstly, sign in to Skype TX with the appropriate account. 

You should then see your available channels. Note: if you don't see your channels, you can add them by clicking Add a Skype TX unit to control on the right hand side. Make sure you have the QuickLink Control Panel open! Then enter the IP address or localhost if you're working on the actual machine and not connecting remotely. 

You'll next need to configure your QuickLink Control Panel to make sure you can see your Skype TX output on your Skype TX channel. Set it to output via NDI so, you can select it in StudioPro. It would be a good idea to set a feed from StudioPro via NDI as well. In this example I'm sending a Program Return feed back from StudioPro to the Skype TX caller.  

Within the StudioPro interface, select the Scene you would like to add the Skype TX caller too, then click the plus icon to add a source.

Locate and select the NDI Source, then click Add Source


Next, enter a friendly name for your source (e.g. Skype TX Caller 1).


Select the NDI source from the Source name dropdown menu. 


When you click OK you should see the output of Skype TX in your preview window. 

You're now ready to initiate the call itself. Head back to Skype TX and call your remote contributor. 


Once the call is underway you can go back to StudioPro and check you have the caller available as a source to use in your production. 

Repeat the process for as many Skype TX callers as you have in your production. 

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