Adding an RTMP input source

RTMP is widely used as an output format from Streaming and Production applications but it may be useful to know that using QuickLink StudioPro, you can utilise RTMP as an input source. This can come in handy for Commentary workflows where you need to bring high-quality sports feeds into your productions.

Select a scene and give it a friendly name (i.e. RTMP Source).

Click Add Source in the Sources window. 


Select Media Source from the menu. 


Click Add Source


Enter a friendly name, i.e. RTMP Source, then click OK


Uncheck the Local File option.


In the Input field, type in your RTMP source address. The format of which will be rtmp:// followed by the IP address : the port / the name of the stream. It'll look something like this; rtmp:// This can depend on the source.


Set the Input Format as ffmpeg.


Make sure you're happy with all your other settings. Once happy, click OK.


You have successfully brought in an RTMP Input source to your production.

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