Noise and echo cancellation (Powered by NVIDIA Maxine)

Utilising the Noise Supression filter will allow you to use AI technology by NVIDIA to automatically remove any background noise or echo from a source, this is especially useful when introducing remote guests who are in noisy or disruptive locations.

Please note: this feature requires an additional license. To add this feature, please contact the QuickLink Sales team to discuss.

To apply noise and echo cancellation, select the Source within your production that you wish to apply noise and echo cancellation.

Click Filters.

Within Audio/Video Filters, click the Automation-plusicon.png icon.


Locate and select Noise Suppression.


If you wish, rename your Noise and Echo Cancellation filter. Click OK.


Within the Method drop-down, select NVIDIA Noise Removal + Room Echo Removal. Fine-tune the Suppression Intensity if required. Then click Close.


Any background noise and room echo will now be cancelled on your chosen Source.

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