Adding a RIST input source

Using StudioPro you can very quickly and easily add a RIST (Reliable Internet Stream Transport) input source to your production. RIST is an increasingly popular standard for transporting live video over unmanaged networks. You can learn more about RIST, here.

Before you start to receive a RIST signal, you'll need to set up your router for Port Forwarding to open up the ports you wish to send to. This will be different for each router but more information on specific routers can be found online. In a basic form, you need to sign in to your router and in the advanced firewall settings, set the ports you wish to use as rules.

For example, here's how this is achieved using Virgin Hub Manager:

Once you have configured your Port Forwarding, you are now able to add your RIST input. To add a RIST input into your project, head to a scene of your choice and give it a friendly name.


From the Sources window, click Add Source

Add source.png

Select Media Source and then click Add Source

Media Source.png

Give your source a friendly name then click OK

Friendly name.png

Uncheck the Local File option.

Local file.png

For the Input enter the RIST URL. It will follow this format rist://@LOCAL_IP:PORT?cname=Cre8&bandwidth=5000.

The IP will be your internal IP address, and the port is whatever port is being used to send the stream. Cname is a friendly name for the stream. Bandwidth is the maximum bandwidth you expect to receive. Pay particular attention to this as RIST utilises FEC (Forward Error Correction) to replace lost packets and the protocol will not go above whatever you set here.


Set the Input Format to mpegts. Click OK.

Input Format.png

You have just successfully added a RIST input source into your project.


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