Adding a text source to a scene

The text source allows you to add simple text into your productions. There are various ways to format text including font, font style, size, effects, transform, colour, opacity, background colour and alignment.

Numerous file types are supported including hex, rgba and hsv.


Adding a text source

To add some text to your scene firstly, select the scene you would like to add the text into, then click the plus.png icon within the Sources window. 


Within the Sources drop down menu, scroll down to Text (GDI+) then select Add Source.


You will now be prompted to create new or add existing. Select Create new and give your Text source a name. It is good practice to give all sources a friendly name, as this helps when adding existing sources and understanding what sources are within scenes. Enter a friendly name for your Text then click OK.


You can choose your font by pressing Select Font. This will open a window where you can pick whichever font you wish to use. Custom fonts can also be used, for information on this, please refer to the Installing a custom font article. You can also change the Font style, the size, effects and the writing style. You will also see a preview of your text under Sample. To save your font settings, click OK.


Returning to the Text Properties window, type your text you wish to appear in your scene in the Text box. You can also enable Antialiasing so that when higher resolution text appears in lower resolutions, aliasing is reduced.


In the Text Transform drop down, you can set all text to Uppercase, Lowercase or Start case. Selecting the Vertical option will make all the text read vertically. 


By clicking Select Colour you can set the colour of your text. On the left you can choose form basic colours or by using the colour mixer on the right, you can choose a more specific shade. Clicking Pick Screen Colour allows you to move your cursor over any point in your window to sample a colour from there. If you find a particular colour you like, you can save it to your own Custom Colours by clicking Add to Custom Colours in the bottom left of the window. 


The Opacity fader allows you to set how opaque the text is. 

You can also select a Background Colour and the opacity of that under Background Opacity

You can also very easily choose how to align your text by scrolling down to Alignment and Vertical Alignment and selecting where you would like to align your text from the drop down menus there. 


By checking the Outline tick box you open up options for how to add an outline to your text. You can change the size, the colour and the opacity of the outline. 


Ticking Chatlog Mode allows you to select the Chatlog Line Limit.


You can also use Custom Text Extents to adapt the size of the source, as well as determine whether the text should wrap if the width is exceeded.


When finished, click OK to save your text formatting.

You can also very quickly and easily select the font type, colour or edit text when on the main StudioPro interface by heading down to the source Toolbar at the bottom of the interface.


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