Customising Quicklink Lower Thirds

A large amount of customisation is provided for your Lower Thirds, including three styles. To customise the appearance of your Lower Thirds, click the plus.png icon within the Lower Third you wish to customise.


From here you are able to select your Lower Third colours, font type, sizing and other display settings.


The full customisation options are as follows:

align-left.png Align Lower Third to left.
align-center.png Align Lower Third centrally.
align-right.png Align Lower Third to right.
style.png Style of Lower Third. There are three Lower Third styles provided.
size.png Size of Lower Third. Default size is 24.
margin.png Horizontal and vertical margin.
size-ratio.png Ratio between the size of text.
space.png Space between text.
font.png Font of Lower Thirds. 11 fonts are default, however custom font can also be added.
logo-image.png Show/hide logo image.
shadows.png Show/shadows.
fill.png Enable/disable fill or background colours.
rounded-corners.png Rounded corners.
borders.png Enable/disable borders.
border-colour.png Border colour.
uppercase-lowercase.png Toggle UPPERCASE/lowercase.
bold-font.png Enable/disable bold font.


Using a custom image logo

It is also possible to upload a logo within your Lower Thirds. To do this, select the plus.png icon within the Main Settings, then click Show more.


Select the Customs tab and scroll to Default Logos section. From here select one of the four default logo positions, then select CHOOSE IMAGE.


Next select your logo. 



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