It's nice and easy to configure your project in StudioPro to output in exactly the format you need for your workflow.
Note: If you're starting from scratch this won't apply to you but if you are changing the format of a pre existing project, you will need to make sure all outputs are stopped before you can configure your output.
To check this, head to the Advanced settings tab by clicking the icon.
Navigate to the Advanced tab.
Make sure all outputs are stopped, including in the Return Output Configuration section.
Now head to the Video tab.
The important bit here is the FPS (frames per second) dropdown menu. From here you can select between 10 and 60.
What you select here will determine what options you have for output Mode. So if I select 60FPS here and then head back to an output in the Advanced tab, chose an SDI, I will have the option for 1080p 60 and 720p 60.
If you're after an interlaced rather than a progressive format such as 1080i50 then you'll need to set the FPS to 25 PAL. Make sure you click Apply after any changes you make.
Then head to the Advanced tab again. This time select 1080i50 from the mode dropdown menu.