Before recording your productions, you will need to configure your recording settings. These recording settings are related to recording the program output of your production. For instructions on this, please refer to the Recording the Program Output article.
Please note, when recording individual scenes or sources using the NDI Recorder, files are only saved in .mov format.
To configure your recording settings, open the settings by selecting the icon, then select the Output tab.
If both the Recording Path and Recording Format cannot be accessed, you will need to disable any NDI and Decklink outputs. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.
The Recording Path option allows you to configure the file location that your recordings are saved to. This is defaulted to the Videos folder. To change this location, select Browse and choose your preferred location. A connected high-speed external drive can also be connected to save recordings.
Recording Format allows you to change the format that recorded videos are saved as. The recording format can be set to flv, mp4. mov, mkv, ts or m3u8 depending on your preference. The most widely used recording format is MP4, which is supported by most video hosting and video editing platforms. However for recordings that are extremely sensitive, It is recommended that either flv or mkv options are used, as these formats are more likely to have playable content if your recording crashes before stopping recording. Both flv and mkv formats can also be converted into MP4 or other formats very easily.
Next you will need to set your recording bitrate and profile. For recording in the highest quality, it is recommended that the Bitrate is set between 4000 - 6000 Kbps, and that the Profile is set to high.
When configuring the above settings, it is important to factor your PC specifications. To figure out the most optimal recording settings that fit your device and specifications, you should run several tests to check out the outcome.
Next you will need to set your Keyframe Interval, this is the number of seconds a full video frame will be rendered. It is important to note that keyframes are resource heavy. As a result, for recording it is recommended that the Keyframe Interval is set to 2 seconds, which provides a good balance between quality and performance. This means that a full video frame will be rendered every 2 seconds.
Lastly you should now set your Preset quality. Selecting the Max-Quality enables 2-pass encoding, which will provide a slight quality increase. Selecting the Low-Latency Quality option will allow you to record with low latency while giving a slight quality decrease.
When finished, click Apply to save your recording settings.