Streaming to Amazon IVS

Using StudioPro it is possible to very easily stream to Amazon IVS (Interactive Video Service), ideal for creating interactive video experiences.

Before streaming to IVS, you will need to configure IAM permissions for your user. Instructions to do this are outlined in AWS Documentation.

Once the initial permissions have been configured, you can now create your IVS channel. Navigate to Amazon AWS Management Console, then log in. Once logged in, select Services, then select Amazon Interactive Video Service within the Media Services category.

Next, select your preferred region, then select Change region.

Within IVS channels, click Create channel.

Within the Setup section, enter a name for your channel, then select Custom configuration.

Next, select your channel type. For streaming in full HD it is recommended that the Standard channel type is used.

Now select your chosen video latency. For a stream where interactivity and engagement is important with your audience, it is recommended that Ultra-low latency is used. Where interactivity is not important, it is recommended that Standard latency is selected to improve reliability in certain regions.

Scroll to the bottom of the IVS channel creation page, then click Create Channel.

Once your channel has been created you will be redirected to the settings of your newly created IVS channel. Locate the Stream configuration section, then copy and make a note of both the Ingest server and Stream key.

Returning to StudioPro, open the settings by selecting the gear__3_.png icon. Within the Stream tab, select RTMP then Add Target.


Enter a name for your target (i.e IVS). Enter the Ingest server copied earlier and paste into RTMP Server. Next, copy the Steam key copied and paste into RTMP Key.


It is recommended that StudioPro Setting is used for both the Video Settings and Audio Settings options.

To save your IVS stream settings, click OK.

Now you have configured your IVS streaming settings, you are now ready to start streaming. To start streaming, open the settings by selecting the gear__3_.png icon. Within the Stream tab, select the Start Streaming button alongside the IVS target.


Once streaming has started, a stream duration timer will appear. When finished, to stop streaming select the Stop Streaming button.

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