When using the Conference room within the QuickLink StudioManager, it is possible to view previews of all participants as long as you have video previews turned on in Settings & Preferences. In addition to this, you can utilise the Conference Monitor to view more in-depth statistics.
To access this feature, select the icon within the Conference room.
This will open a new tab/window, click Start Video Tiling.
All participants within your Conference room will now be displayed. The audio will play out to the device configured in the top-right corner.
From this window it is also possible to talkback to all participants within the Conference room. To do this, simply select the audio device you would like to use from the top bar, then press the icon to unmute and talkback to participants. To stop talkback, press the icon to mute.
Selecting the Show Information button in the top-right corner will display participants name, data rate, resolution, packet loss and frame rate.